To God Be The Glory * Martin Luther King Jr. “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” – April 3, 1968 * Save The Palestinian Children & Families of Gaza * Cease Fire * Open The Channel For Humanitarian Aid * Enough Is Enough!

Civil Rights Capital

Historic Black College & University

World PeaceOn Earth
God’s Amazing Grace & Blessings
WelcomeToThe University St Augustine’s (USA)

The Governance, University St. Augustine’s, an HBCU (Historical Black College and University), designated as an 1890 Morrill Act Land Grant College, featuring Faculties including the Caroline Education Community International PSA, a K12 Primary and Elementary Schools, and Carolina’s Early College, a Dual High School, and College Institute featuring Pre-College Studies.

As we gather to commemorate the 60TH Anniversary of the Historic MLK March on Washington DC; 1963, as a responsible Education Institution, the Governance and Leadership of the University St. Augustine’s, and the Caroline Education Community International PSA (Public and Private School Academy) would like to emphasize the importance of standing against racism and fostering unity through communications, dialogue, and conversations.

Racism has no place in our education systems, workplaces, communities, or anywhere else. It is our collective responsibility to challenge and dismantle systemic racism, and to create a safe and supportive environment for all individuals.

We believe that one of the most powerful ways to combat racism is through open and honest dialogue. By engaging in meaningful conversations, we can gain a deeper understanding of each other’s experiences, perspectives, and challenges. This dialogue allows us to bridge divides, build empathy, and foster unity.

It is important to approach these conversations with respect and empathy. We must listen actively, without judgment or interruption, and strive to understand the experiences and emotions of others.

By gaining an understanding of diverse individuals and groups,
we can initiate the process of breaking down
stereotypes, biases, and discriminatory practices.

As leaders in our respective fields, it is our responsibility to set an example and create an inclusive environment where every individual is valued and respected, within the premise of a Free World

This means actively promoting diversity and inclusion in our hiring practices, providing equal opportunities for growth and advancement, and ensuring that all voices are heard and respected. Thus, promoting and practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”).

Education plays a crucial role in combating racism. By promoting diversity and inclusion in our schools, workplaces, and communities, we can equip future generations with the tools they need to challenge prejudice and discrimination. It is through education that we can foster empathy, promote equality, and create a society where everyone feels valued and respected.

We urge every one of you to take a stand against racism and be an ally to those who face discrimination. Together, we can create a world where diversity is celebrated, and racism has no place.

Let us remember that standing against racism is not just a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. It requires us to continuously challenge our own biases, educate ourselves, and actively engage in conversations that promote understanding and unity.

Thank you for your continued commitment to fostering unity through respectful dialogue, conversation, and communication in the spirit of Humanitarianism.

Governance, USA endorses the UN Resolution adopted 12.12.2023, advocating for Peace and Security, in Israel, and Gaza.

Importantly, USA Governance endorses the UN Resolution adopted demanding an “Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire”, the Immediate and Unconditional Release of all Hostages, and “Ensuring Humanitarian Access” and observances concerning the “Protection of All Civilians”


Bishop Keynel Cadet

Bishop Keynel Cadet, DD
Spiritual Leader, Cathedral St. Augustine’s
USA; The National Ministry Of Education SYNOD

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The Commission On Collegiate Nursing Education


American Council on Education (ACE)


Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA)


American Hotel & Lodging Association’s Educational Institute (AH&LAEI)


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Mon To Fri: 7:30 AM – 6:30 PM EST
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